Beginners evening intensive starts november 6; Beginners 2 starts November 5 ; B1 evening programme starts February 20 . Personal private programs all levels. Specialists in tailormade individual programmes. Attention for calling: this might give some problems. Try +31 06 19198730

Privacy policy ITHA Dutch Language Institute Rotterdam 2023

With reference to the Dutch privacy law (WPB) which regulates the collecting and storing of personal data. The ITHA policy elaborates on the data we collect as an educational organisation and how we safeguard your personal data.

  1. Use of your personal information (goal)
    ITHA collects personal information of persons seeking information which is regarded as necessary for the decision about placement in a programme Dutch. This information is also utilized for communication with the student during the course and after the course has finished.

  2. The data we collect and register
    a. The application form on the website:
    name, address, date of birth, nationality, knowledge of languages, educational qualification, working or studying at.. ,; arrival date in the Netherlands, telephone number, e-mail address.
    b. The test and certificate file: name, results and date
    c. Correspondence and proposals of individual programmes
    d. Invoice data

  3. Acces to the personal data stored by ITHA
    The director is responsible for authorizing staff in regards to collecting, storing, changing and deleting personal data. This authorisation is within bounds of ITHA’s policy about necessary information.

  4. Safeguarding of personal information
    The security of personal data encompasses all necessary physical, computer technical and organisational measures to protect the data coming into non-authorized hands. Therefore hardcopies with data are stored in locations that are locked and inaccessible. Computer files are safeguarded with passwords; effective updated virus scanners and a safe internet connection. ITHA makes no use of cookies on its website.

  5. Disclosure of information to third parties.
    No disclosure except for the following cases:
    a. This is in line with the ITHA policy of acquiring information to optimise the placement decision of students
    b. The person involved has consented
    c. It is required by rule of a law
    d. It is a government agency that requests the information
    e. Accountants audit, software specialists for maintenance, external agencies for disputes.

  6. Storage period and modifying/removing personal information
    The personal data are stored to a maximum of 4 years after ending a programme. After this period the data are destroyed or earlier if the person concerned requests this to be done.
    Persons have the right of disclosure, correction and/or removal of their personal data. This can be done by an email request ( or post. The request to be addressed to the director of ITHA.
    The data will be deleted unless it is in conflict with the law and if there is urgent need to conserve the data.
    In 4 weeks, after the request has been submitted, the responsible person at ITHA will reply if the request can be met.

2022 ITHA