Dutch One-to-One: bespoke programmes tailored to your requirements
- Is it hard to combine your work schedule with the timetable of a group course?
- Would you like to determine your own pace?
- Are you looking for specific coaching?
- Would you like to focus on a particularly skill?
Consider a one-to-one programme if most of these apply to you:
- You would like to develop a specific skill in the Dutch language. E.g. you might want to expand your vocabulary with a professional vocabulary relevant to your area of work.
- Your Dutch is at intermediate or advanced level, but you would like to improve your written skills.
- You have a learning style more suited to a one-to-one setting with a teacher or coach.
- You need a timetable that fits in with other commitments.
- You would like results in a short period of time.
- You would like lots of support and plenty of practice time.
There is an increased cost for one-to-one programmes compared to group programmes, but you can expect higher outputs and impact in a shorter period of time. A bespoke one-to-one programme is an extremely efficient way to learn.
ITHA language institute has developed high quality and efficient Dutch personal language programmes for a diverse range of people, businesses and organisations since 1991.
We have several programmes on offer, from beginners level to advanced and with different timetabling options. We also provide a Language Coaching programme, tailored for those in leadership positions.
One-to-one programmes available:
• Beginners fixed timetable
• Beginners flexi timetable
• Beginners 1 or 2 weeks intensive
• Intermediate/Advanced bespoke
• Intermediate/Advanced Language Coaching (ILC programme)
Individual course beginners: fixed timetable
Suitable for students who can commit to specific days and times in the week.
start date: to be arranged with the student
total session hours: minimal 20 lesson hours of 45 minutes in 10 sessions
fee: for beginners €1990,- + €120,- course materials ( textbook, ithabook incl. hand outs)
fee for A2 programme €2195,- exl. materials
This programme can be designed for a period of 2 weeks (very intensive) to 10 weeks and will be discussed prior to starting the course.

Please make an appointment for an interview.
Individual course beginners: flexible time table
Suitable for students who have professional commitments that mean that they cannot commit to fixed days and times. This course allows students to use their 20 session hours within a period of max 16 weeks in agreement with their teacher-coach. Build your own timetable to suit your needs.
start date: to be arranged with the student
total session hours: minimal 20 hours
fee: €2250,- + €110,- course materials text book, itha book and hand outs
Intensive weektraining beginners; quality time in 1 or 2 weeks
The one-week Dutch intensive training at ITHA is a tried and tested formula for those people who have self-discipline and a drive to learn fast.
Read about our intensive weektraining
For more information or to discuss how we can create a programme for you, please call us. We are sure that ITHA has a suitable Dutch language programme appropriate for you. If you need help with housing during this course, please contact us.
Level intermediate or advanced?

Read about our tailor-made programme for individual intermediate and advanced students.

ILC- programme for managers and specialists
Individual language and communication coaching
For more information or to discuss how we can create a programme for you, please call us. We are sure that ITHA has a suitable Dutch language programme appropriate for you.
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